Geboren in Amsterdam, opgegroeid in Europa en afgestudeerd aan de Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama in London, ontwikkelde Joshua zich tot internationaal camera- en voice overacteur. Als Nederlands en Amerikaans native speaker werkte hij mee aan nationale- en internationale series en films.
Recent speelde hij een gastrol in de Nederlandse hitserie Penoza (2017) en de Russische blockbuster Sobibor. (2018) Joshua speelde Willem van Oranje ten behoeve van de tentoonstelling WILLEM (2018) in het Nederlands Militair Museum en de Italiaanse speelfilmModalità Aereo (2019). Momenteel speelt hij in de slapstick zombie speelfilm Yummie (2019).
Zijn stem is te horen onder animaties, video games, commercials en na internationale synchronisaties.
Nederlands | Amerikaans acteur | Internationale carriere | Nederlands en Engelstalig voice over | Geweldige camera acteur met veel gezichten | EU rijbewijs.
Born in Amsterdam, raised in Europe and a graduate of Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama in London, Josh continues to establish himself as an international screen and voice actor.
Having both Dutch and American Citizenship, and speaking native Dutch and English, Josh has worked on numerous European and International feature films and television series.
His most recent film & tv credits include playing Jakob in the Russian blockbuster movie Sobibor (2018) Shane in 6 episodes of Penoza (2017) Black Widow, directed by Michiel van Jaarsveld & Willem Gerritsen; and Mark de Koster in The Fox, directed by Klaas van Eijkeren. Josh’s latest film is Modalità Aereo (2019) directed by Fausto Brizzi. Josh is currently shooting for Yummy (2019) a splatstick zombie feature directed by Lars Damoiseaux. His many voices can be heard in animations, video games, commercials and narrations world wide.
Dutch | American actor | International carreer | VO | Great screen actor with many different faces! | EU driving license.